朝陽科技大學 092學年度第1學期教學大綱
The History of Early Development of Taiwan 台灣開發史

當期課號 4191 Course Number 4191
授課教師 耿慧玲 Instructor KENG,HUI LING
中文課名 台灣開發史 Course Name The History of Early Development of Taiwan
開課單位 校訂必修(二日) Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程主要以探討臺灣歷史各時期的演進發展及其特徵為主,重點在使學生暸解臺灣的歷史文化,增進其自我認同,並培養人文思考能力。 Objectives Basic introduction of Taiwanese history and culture.
教材 以主題的講述方式,配合錄影帶、投影片等多媒體的教學方式,並輔導同學以報告的方式加入課程學習。 Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 期中考30%
Grading mid-term exam 30%
final exam 35%
general evaluation 35%
教學內容 以主題講授台灣的開發史,一、史前時期台灣的開發:1、台灣的考古2、百越民族的發展,3、南島語族與台灣原住民;二、海上絲路與台灣的開發:1、百越民族與初期的海上絲路,2、香料與歐洲對東方的開拓,3、海上絲路的行程與台灣地位的改變,4、荷蘭對台灣的開發;三、鄭氏家族對台灣的開發:1、鄭氏家族與海商,2、鄭成功與台灣地位的改變,3、鄭經父子對台灣的經營;四、清代對台灣的開發:1、唐山公與羅漢腳,2、原鄉移墾,3、大小租與一田二主,4、內地化與土著化的結合,5、清代自強運動與台灣的近代化;五、日據時代的開發:1、武力綏撫時期,2、同化政策時期,3、皇民化時期;六、光復以後台灣的開發:1、回歸的痛楚--二二八事件,2、風雨飄搖下的社經建設,3、亞洲四小龍的成功。 Syllabus Lecture given in theme on the history of the development of Taiwan:
I. development of prehistoric Taiwan:
1. Archeology of Taiwan; 2. the development of the Bai-yue tribe; 3. Austronesian and Taiwanese aborigines.
II. maritime silk road and the cultivation of Taiwan:
1. The Bai-yue tribe and early stage of maritime silk road; 2. spice and exploration of Europe to the East; 3. the journey of the silkroad and the change of geographic importance of Taiwan; 4. Cultivation of the Neatherlands on Taiwan.
III. The Chung family and their development of Taiwan:
1. The Chung family and maritime merchants; 2. Chuung Cheng-Kung and the change of the condition of Taiwan; 3. The management of the Chung family of Taiwan.
IV. The development on Taiwan during the Ching-Dynasty:
1. the immigrants; 2. The state and mode of immigration; 3. the method of land distribution; 4. the conjoinment of "inlandization" and "aboriginization"; 5. The modernization movement of the late Ching Dynasty and the modernization of Taiwan.
V. The development during Japanese occupation:
1. militarial domination period; 2. aculturization period; 3. commitment period.
VI. The development after reclaimation:
1. the 228 incident; 2. social and economical construction during hard times; 3. the success of the four Asian Dragonets.