朝陽科技大學 092學年度第1學期教學大綱
Social Work Practicum(1) 社會工作實習(一)

當期課號 3449 Course Number 3449
授課教師 孫彰良 Instructor SUN,CHANG LIANG
中文課名 社會工作實習(一) Course Name Social Work Practicum(1)
開課單位 社會工作系(四進)二A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 社會工作實習 (一)為機構參訪與講演,將安排同學參觀不同領域之社會福利機構,或邀請機構、團體之實務工作人員蒞校講演,使同學瞭解目前社會工作實務機構之工作概況及運作情形,激發同學不同面向的學習興趣,並藉此澄清個人的價值偏好,探索自身的專業興趣,以作為未來機構實習的基礎,甚至成為未來選擇專攻領域的參考。 Objectives This course is the prerequisite course of Social Work PracticumI. Social Work Practicum I will arrange several social welfare organizations in distinct area for students to visit and invite several social work professionals who are currently working in the field to deliver speeches.
教材 學生的職責:一、課前預習:準時完成當週上課資料的閱讀(10%)。二、課堂提問與討論(10%)。三、參與分組督導會議(20%)。四、小組團體報告(30%)。五、依實習單位相關規定執行志願服務實習(30%)教師職責:一、藉由互動式教學講解當週課題,以提高學習效率。二、建立團隊學習模式,師生共同分享『教學暨學習品質』之責任。三、定期督導(團體與小組),並與學生實習單位共同督導學生實習概況。 Teaching Materials 1.to preview the reading materials before the classroom 2.to participate in discussion in the classroom 3.to ask some questions in the classroom 4.to review the reading materials after the classroom
成績評量方式 一、課程參與20% 二、督導會議20% 三、小組團體報告30% 四、志願服務概況30%(若您有把握於期中與期末考得滿分,仍享有「自我學習權」 Grading 1. to participate in discussion in the classroom(25%) 2. the present rate of supervision(25%) 3. the final report(50%)
教學內容 1.同學於91學年度第一學期末開始自行洽詢志願服務之機構,並填妥「志願服務計劃書」(如附)提交任課老師審查,待教師與實習機構洽詢確定並認可後,於寒假中便可開始志願服務。 2.由2/28起每隔兩週上課三小時、由同學分組報告指定英文教科書內容、負責報告小組須於報告前一週星期五之前繳交書面資料給老師審閱,並依老師之回饋修正後印給同學參考。 3.每組報告30分鐘、同學提問討論及老師回饋20分鐘。 4.每二十小時志願服務請撰寫一篇「志願服務紀錄」,每次上課時請繳交「志願服務紀錄冊」,老師將於下週一發還。 5.老師將依同學所選志願服務機構之屬性將同學分為八組,每組約為八人,兩位老師分別負責督導四組,於分組督導時間每週督導一組。6.全學期扣除上課時數18小時外同學須於1月底前完成180小時之志願服務、9篇志願服務紀錄且由服務機構督導簽認。 Syllabus The practice of service-learning in today’s higher education has tremendous potential as a vehicle through which universities can meet their goals for student learning and development while making unique contributions to addressing unmet community and society. For the student, service-learning will develop the habit of critical reflection; deepen their comprehension of course content; integrate theory with practice; increase their understanding of social problems; strengthen their sense of social responsibility; enhance their cognitive, personal, and spiritual development; heighten their understanding of human difference and commonality’ and sharpen their abilities to solve problem creatively and to work collaboratively. Therefore, this course will practice the principle of service-learning in order to students to integrate theory with practice