朝陽科技大學 092學年度第1學期教學大綱
Intermediate English 進階英文

當期課號 3162 Course Number 3162
授課教師 潘衍至 Instructor ,
中文課名 進階英文 Course Name Intermediate English
開課單位 校訂必修(四進) Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 日間部:本課程是日間部四技大二學生及二技學生的必修課程。此共同英文課程旨在進一步提升學生之溝通能力,並加強其閱讀能力及寫作概念。
Objectives Day program: This course is required for all sophomores who are enrolled in the four-year day program and students who are enrolled in the two-year day program. It is a general English course that aims to further enhance students’ communication competence and to strengthen their reading skills as well as their understanding in terms of the writing process.
Evening program: This one-semester course is required for all sophomore students who are enrolled in the four-year evening program. The purpose of this course is to further enhance their communication competence. The students will also learn “how to learn English effectively,” which will become a solid foundation for their life-long learning.
教材 ?囥祭豷:諒?囥翋猁膘?婓眕汜笢陑腔埻奻﹝芵綎趼﹜曆倰﹜僇邈渟荎恅?釬??脹罠癩腔膘蕾ㄛ汜褫載筳珨祭賸賤荎恅森珨惤晟腔旮磐?﹝婓恅趙琌賤源醱ㄛ掝恅婦嬤鷂藩珨梒?翋觳眈燊腔笭湮岈璃睿昜骸妢掖劓﹜萎嘟ㄛ鵋妏汜夔旮賸賤荎惤模腔恅趙醱砃﹝ Teaching Materials 掝斻猁:党?掛掝最汜斛?俇傖藩掝掝恅摽腔嗣???ㄛ婓掝斻奻鷂諒?摯肮倛傖謎疑誑
成績評量方式 啐煦:笢蕉鷂藺蕉跪30%ㄛ掝斻桶政20%ㄛ堤炟20%﹝ Grading Grading: Midterm and final exams are 30% respectively, performance in class 20%, attendance 20%.
教學內容 翋祤:掛掝最祤婓翑党?掛掝最汜梪挍惤晟眕賸賤荎惤模扦掖劓鷂恅趙衙簷﹝
Syllabus Goals: This course is aimed at developing students* comprehension of English as a second language; with this achievement, they are able to learn more about social background and cultural outline of the chosen English speaking countries.
Rationale: Only with the deliberate combination of language and its cultural background, language teaching is complete.
Demand: Students will be required to complete various exercises after every chapter. They are also required to form positive interaction with the other students.
Teaching process: This course is based on the student-centered principle. After grasping essential concepts of words formation, sentence structure, paragraph arrangements and logics of writing, students have firmez grasp of English as a second language. As for culture teaching, students will come close to the cultural facets of the English speaking countries by learning about their historic personage, historical events and allusions.