朝陽科技大學 092學年度第1學期教學大綱
Readings in Finance 財金英文閱讀

當期課號 3099 Course Number 3099
授課教師 蔡安妮 Instructor  
中文課名 財金英文閱讀 Course Name Readings in Finance
開課單位 財務金融系(四進)三A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程在設計上使學生在上課過程中,經由英文教材的準備以及老師課堂中的講授,掌握基本財金領域的基本知識、嘗試理論實務的比較,並擴大視野。在教學方法上,以下列三點方式混合進行:(1)翻譯與閱讀作業;(2)專業文書習作,如公司內部文件;(3)老師講授。主要內容有(1)介紹美國證券金融市場的書籍文章,如華爾街日報及其出版適合一般投資人者;(2)財金實務文書,如公司發行之公開說明書、年報、重要法規、承銷文件等;(3)基礎理論性論文的選讀。 Objectives There are two objectives of this course. On the one hand, students are required to go through a lot of readings so as to improve their English reading ability. On the other hand, students are expected to develop an intuitive perspective toward important macro, as well as micro issues in economics and finance. The reading articles will be selected from cover stories as contained in Business Week and Economist. Tests and scores will be based on how well students understand, and communicate through the practitioner’s language.
教材 除概略介紹經濟金融相關概念和專有名辭以外,本課程強調思考與分析能力之培養。修課同學應該養成和教授與同學討論所習文章與相關金融問題的習慣。 Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 期中考:45%; 期末考:45%; 平時成績:10%。考試務必保持榮譽心。 Grading Mid-term Exam: 45%; Final Exam: 45%; Classroom Participation: 10%.
教學內容 本課程目的在研習有關下列主題之英文分析性文章:
— 全球經濟狀況
— 金融市場與投機泡沫
— 兩岸關係
— 其他經濟金融主題

(因教材每學期或多或少會有修正, 故以下所列僅供參考.)
Syllabus The purpose of this course is provide students with Mandarin as the native language the opportunities to read analytically English news feature stories and essays. Topics covered include those related to global economic conditions, the financial markets, Taiwan and Mainland China, and banking and finance. Additional reading materials may be assigned depending on the performance of the students taking this course.