朝陽科技大學 092學年度第1學期教學大綱
Introduction to Civil Law 民法概要

當期課號 3063 Course Number 3063
授課教師 易文正 Instructor YEE,WEN CHENG
中文課名 民法概要 Course Name Introduction to Civil Law
開課單位 財務金融系(四進)一B Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程之主要內容為基本理論之闡述及案例分析,包括民法總則、債總、債各、物權及親屬篇之婚姻;並從中灌輸學生有關吾人財產及身份關係之法律常識。 Objectives This is a basic and required course, through which students may have a general understanding of our Civil Code and private law system. This course is designed to enhance students’ methodology of legal analysis, especially by emphasizing the principles of contract law and various categories of contracts. One purpose of this course design is for students’ future advanced studying of business law and other financial law courses
教材   Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 期中考占50%,期末考試占50%,另平時成績可加減總成績至5%。 Grading  
教學內容 1.總則:介紹民法的基本原則、法人通則、物的定義、法律行為等。
Syllabus This is a basic and required course, through which students may have a general understanding of our Civil Code and private law system. This course is designed to enhance students’ methodology of legal analysis, especially by emphasizing the principles of contract law and various categories of contracts. One purpose of this course design is for students’ future advanced studying of business law and other financial law courses. This course has six topics as follows: (1) General Principles: this will introduce our Civil Code’s general principles and overall application rules; (2) General Principles of Contract Law; (3) Kinds of Obligations: this will survey various types of contracts provided in the Code; (4) Property Law: this will introduce various property rights provided in the Code and other special laws; (5) Family Law: this will mainly focus on the legal relationships of husband-wife and parents-children; (6) Succession Law: this will discuss mostly the distribution of estate of the deceased.