朝陽科技大學 092學年度第1學期教學大綱
English 英文

當期課號 3007 Course Number 3007
授課教師 許漱瑩 Instructor  
中文課名 英文 Course Name English
開課單位 校訂必修(四進) Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程是進修部四技大一學生的兩學期必修課程。此共同的英文課程旨在提升學生基本溝通能力,以幫助學生加強聽說讀寫各方面的英語能力。 Objectives This two-semester course is required for all freshmen who are enrolled in the four-year evening program. It is a general English course that aims to enhance students’ basic communication skills, in order to help students strengthen the main skills in English language learning, such as listening, speaking, reading and writing.
教材 藉由指定教材的研讀之外, 並依據上課主題內容及節慶, 搭配適當的戲劇表演.歌曲及活動, 進而提昇學生學習語言的樂趣及效果 Teaching Materials To teach English by both assigned readings combined with dramas, songs, or games to make the language classroom more vivid and active
成績評量方式 期中考: 30%
期末考: 30%
平時考: 20%
隨堂報告/表演: 20%
Grading Mid-term exam: 30%
Final-term exam: 30%
Presentation: 20%
Quizzes: 20%
教學內容 基礎英文的主要教學目標,是藉由廣泛的閱讀與口語訓練,培養學生的語言能力; 試圖塑造一個自然的情境, 讓學生們享受學習語言的樂趣, 並且間接透過遊戲.戲劇.歌曲等相關活動, 從中達成教學的理想及目標 Syllabus The purpose of learning basic English is to enhance students' language proficiency by extensive reading and oral training. Try to create the natural environment for students to feel more comfortable in learning English, and teach English through games/dramas/songs to arouse students' interests and motivations to learn.