朝陽科技大學 092學年度第1學期教學大綱
Quantitative Methodology 數量方法

當期課號 2123 Course Number 2123
授課教師 呂明哲 Instructor LU,MING CHE
中文課名 數量方法 Course Name Quantitative Methodology
開課單位 會計系(四日)三A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 介紹迴歸分析、預測方法、單變量時間序列模式、結構型方程模式。 Objectives This course introduces following topics: regression analysis, forecasting, univariate time series model, structural equation model.
教材 以實例誘發分析動機;
Teaching Materials Motivate students' interest with real case;
Operate computer.
成績評量方式 個案研討書面報告 100% Grading Case study report 100%
教學內容 企業環境瞬息萬變,面對大量的數據資料,如何轉換為有用的資訊,協助企業洞悉局勢,以擬定最佳決策,實為企劃及管理人員應具備的基本技能。現今電腦的快速運算及統計軟體的發展,大幅提昇處理數據資料的效能,因此本課程除介紹一些簡單的數量方法外,並將強調其在統計軟體的電腦操作。 Syllabus When businessmen face with a great deal of data, how to summarize and extract useful information has been the basic ability, especially for modern managers. Due to the fast calculation of computer and the development of Statistics Software, the efficiency in dealing with data has been increasing substantially. In this course, some simple quantitative methods will be introduced. Besides, there are several lectures on operating statistics software.