朝陽科技大學 092學年度第1學期教學大綱
Introduction to Interpretation 基礎口譯

當期課號 1965 Course Number 1965
授課教師 嚴嘉琪 Instructor YAN,JIA CHYI
中文課名 基礎口譯 Course Name Introduction to Interpretation
開課單位 應用外語系(四日)四A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 此課程將介紹基本的逐步口譯和同步翻譯理論和技巧,學生在課堂上藉著不斷的練習各種不同的翻譯技巧如聽力、 記憶、 筆記、 覆誦、 概述等,配合一些基本的專業領域,使學生不僅英翻中、中翻英達到快速且正確。 Objectives The course is going to introduce basic theories and techniques of consecutive and Simultaneous interpretation and to provide continual practices to students in the class. Students not only know how to interpret from English to Chinese and from Chinese to
教材 多媒體; 錄影/音帶; 分組練習; 網路討論 Teaching Materials Multimedia studio; video/audio tapes; pair work; online discussion
成績評量方式 期中考30%; 期末考30%
出席20% ( 一次沒來扣總分一分)
網路討論5%; 練習帶5%
Grading Midterm 30%; final 30%
Participation 20% (1 absence -1%)
Quizzes 10%
Online discussion 5%; practice tape 5%
教學內容 1. 加強公開演說能力
2. 學習口譯的基本概念
3. 認識並練習口譯的基本技能
4. 藉由口譯訓練技巧來加強英語高階及整合(聽說讀寫)能力
Syllabus 1. To strengthen public speaking skills
2. To learn basic concepts of interpretation
3. To practice interpreting basic skills (such as read aloud, shadowing, recall, segmentation, summarizing, number conversion, paraphrasing, sight translation, note taking for CI, and SI-very minor)
4. To improve and enhance students' English advanced and integrated (listening, speaking, reading, writing) abilities by using interpretation skills