朝陽科技大學 092學年度第1學期教學大綱
Design Management 設計管理

當期課號 1633 Course Number 1633
授課教師 劉棠思 Instructor LIU,TANG SZU
中文課名 設計管理 Course Name Design Management
開課單位 視覺傳達設計系(四日)四A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 培養同學除設計作業實務外,由企業經營策略與管理層面發揮設計專業之更高層次能力,以滿足未來參與設計組織運作、推動設計專案之需求。主要目標包括:1.建立企業組織與管理運作的基本知識,2.了解設計與企業各機能間關係,3.了解整合設計資源並管理設計程序,4.從企業實例認識設計管理之典範。 Objectives In addition to design operation, this course develops students the advanced ability of design profession from views of business strategies and management, helps them to match the demand of future design organization and projects. The purposes: 1. Learning the basic knowledge of business organization and management. 2. Understanding the relationship of business and design. 3. Understanding the management of design projects. 4. Understanding the classic design management paradigms from cases study.
教材 以教材講授、案例討論、小組實作、專書研讀、成果發表等方式增強學習效果。 Teaching Materials Improve learning effect by subject teching, case study, team work, book reading and presentation.
成績評量方式 上課表現(40%):上課出席(25%)、上課參與個案討論(15%)
Grading Attendance 25%
Participation 15%
Final test 15%
Report 45% (middle 20%, final 25%)
(May be adjusted depending on real situations)
教學內容 培養同學除設計作業實務外,由企業經營策略與管理層面發揮設計專業之更高層次能力,以滿足未來參與設計組織運作、推動設計專案之需求。主要內容為:
1. 企業組織與管理的基本理論介紹。
2. 企業與設計關係之探討。
3. 設計專案的管理。
4. 設計管理案例研討。
Syllabus In addition to design operation, this course develops students the advanced ability of design profession from views of business strategies and management, helps them to match the demand of future design organization and projects.
Major content:
1. Introductions of business organization and management.
2. The relationship of business and design.
3. The management of design projects.
4. Case study.