朝陽科技大學 092學年度第1學期教學大綱
Seal Carving 篆刻創作實務

當期課號 1615 Course Number 1615
授課教師 吳崇祺 Instructor WU,CHUNG CHI
中文課名 篆刻創作實務 Course Name Seal Carving
開課單位 視覺傳達設計系(四日)三A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 篆刻簡單的說,就是用篆書刻成的印章,是一種實用性的藝術品。讓我們從完全陌生的書法刻法進入行家的自我表現 Objectives Zhuan Carving means the seal carved in Zhuan Shu, and it is a practical art work. Let us move into being a professional calligrapher from being a beginer.
教材 以古典傳統為經,自我創作為緯,編織在方寸間的馳騁奔放,寄意自己的永不抹滅的生命歷程 Teaching Materials Through the classic tradition and one's own creation, we could weave our life in the little space.
成績評量方式 1.隨堂點名三次不到自動解甲還鄉
Grading Mid-term work check 30%
Mid-term & Final-term examination 70%
教學內容 篆刻簡單的說,就是用篆書刻成的印章,是一種實用性的藝術品。讓我們從完全陌生的書法刻法進入行家的自我表現 Syllabus Zhuan Carving means the seal carved in Zhuan Shu, and it is a practical art work. Let us move into being a professional calligrapher from being a beginer.