朝陽科技大學 092學年度第1學期教學大綱
Introduction to Business 企業概論

當期課號 1501 Course Number 1501
授課教師 張志榮 Instructor CHANG,JYH RONG
中文課名 企業概論 Course Name Introduction to Business
開課單位 企業管理系(四日)一B Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 1. 具備完整的企業基礎知識,2. 瞭解管理學基本理論、技術與實務,3.知道管理理論與技術在企業各部門之應用,以便有能力進一步學習各種企業功能別的管理課程。i.e.,企管馬步好,五管開通早。 主要內容:1. 企業類型,2. 企業各職能部門之運作與管理,3. 規劃、組織、用人、領導與控制之管理理論與技術。 Objectives The objective of this course is to help students to build a fundation of basic knowledge about business and management. Topics include types of businesses, system concept, bisiness functions, and major management theories.
教材 主題講授,個案研究,小組報告 Teaching Materials Didactics,Case study,Out-fit-panel report
成績評量方式 期中考:25% 出席狀況,書面及口頭報告:25%
Grading Mid-term exam:25% Presence,Written and Oral report:25%
Final exam:25%
教學內容 本課程為所有商管學生必修的基礎課程,面對今日競爭的世界及迎接經濟轉型期的挑戰,更有賴專業企管的知識與人才,本課程目的在提供修習後續專業課程時先對企管有一概括性的認識,並且對企業各項活動有一整體觀念。另輔以個案教學訓練學生在面對問題時能分析並解決問題。「建立基礎知識庫,企管生涯更傑出」。 Syllabus The traditional paradigm for organizing management textbooks
has been the "functional approach." This course has two dis-
tinct objectives:1.to introduce a new management paradigm and
2.to effectively combine the basic concepts of management and
organizational behavior into a single volume.The use of many
examples of how businesses operate and tying those examples
together as much as possible.