朝陽科技大學 092學年度第1學期教學大綱
Construction Planning and Shopping-Drawing 詳圖與施工計劃

當期課號 1141 Course Number 1141
授課教師 林聰德 Instructor ,
中文課名 詳圖與施工計劃 Course Name Construction Planning and Shopping-Drawing
開課單位 建築系(四日)四A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 好的建築物,必有好的設計和好的施工技術來搭配,其間所需的即是施工大樣.本課程即針對其所涉及的內容.材料.構法.設計等,對其外部裝修.內部裝修.搭配個案研究加以陳述. Objectives A fine architecture always result from best design and best construction techniques,and working details are their promises. This course surveys from design content.material.construction mathods and planning.By means of exterior and interior detail"s study and case study to assure the learning of the student.
教材 1. 針對實例、依工程計劃進度,逐次解說,使了解施工實務。2. 以實例配合圖解、詳細說明各工程部位的施作要點。 Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 出席狀況10﹪平時考核20﹪期中測驗30﹪期末測驗40﹪ Grading Mid-term 30%
Final-term 40%
教學內容 1. 施工大樣詳圖的類型2. 施工步驟與計劃3. 實務工作的盲點與預防 Syllabus As a second course in its series, this course covers the advanced training and the multi-faceted investigations of architectural design. Furthermore, It not only encourages students to establish the understanding of the large context and the role of any concept with that context, but emphasizes the independent thinking and the process of transformation.