朝陽科技大學 092學年度第1學期教學大綱
Building Construction(I) 建築構造(一)

當期課號 1114 Course Number 1114
授課教師 董皇志 Instructor TUNG,HUANG CHIH
中文課名 建築構造(一) Course Name Building Construction(I)
開課單位 建築系(四日)二A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 建築物的構成取決於當地的地理環境與科技人文進化,簡言之,受到營建材料、構成(應用)法式及施工技術等之實質面、社會美感、個人意圖之文化意識型態層面之影響。課程內容:1.說明各種”構法”與”工法”之思維差別;2.材料別分類出各種構造,如鋼筋混凝土造、鋼骨造、砌體造、木構造等,3.以鋼筋混凝土構造說明施工流程、相關工法與介面,藉以說明結構體、裝修材及設備之三大構成要項。 Objectives The building construction is dependent on local environment and the improvement of science and humanity. Simply speaking, from the viewpoint of practice, the meterials, structure, and construction methods are important components included in this course. This course includes two parts mainly as follows: 1. The construction technique, and 2. The construction method. The goal of this course will be achieved by exploring some elaborately designed R.C. construction cases.
教材 1.事前開列課題與書籍資料預習;課堂上板書及投影片摘要講解及釋疑、輔以幻燈片、錄影帶等視聽媒材;課後習題書寫與圖繪作業。
2.小組(2-3人)進行期中報告「施工中建築物之觀察記錄」,報告架構採學理/實務並進,編排採圖文並茂書寫。期中按每一階段課程進度後一週繳交局部,期末前全篇繳交,全篇重點是「案例基本資料及圖說、構造形式、施工法、現場觀察與比對工法規範、建築物之組構型態模擬、構築對策檢討、所觀察建物構造剖面展開圖(A3 size)」,書面內容約2000~5000字(約8頁)及磁片一張,附件及圖表不在其限。報告書依序是封面、目錄、本文及圖說、附件、註明引用資料出處及頁碼。附件及圖表要編號。
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 平時10%,小組期中報告30%,期中考30%,期末考35%。 Grading Mid-term 30%
Final-term 35%
report 30%
Attendence 10%
教學內容 1.提供「構造與施工」的技術知識,如:構造原理之瞭解(構法)、施作計畫與技術(工法)、材料類型與應用型態,裨益學生接觸與認知本學門之內容與發展。
Syllabus The building construction is dependent on local environment and the improvement of science and humanity. Simply speaking, from the viewpoint of practice, the meterials, structure, and construction methods are important components included in this course.This course includes two parts mainly as follows:
1. The construction technique, and
2. The construction method.
The goal of this course will be achieved by exploring some elaborately designed R.C. construction cases.