朝陽科技大學 092學年度第1學期教學大綱
Chinese 國文

當期課號 1091 Course Number 1091
授課教師 葉守桓 Instructor ,
中文課名 國文 Course Name Chinese
開課單位 校訂必修(四日) Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 以現代文學及日常生活可見的種種文學現象為起點,再往上溯及古代的文人所創發的文學及文化現象。因此,在課程安排上,以當年度的文學將作品賞析為出發;再以茶經、易經、醫經擇一說明中國文化:進而以詩詞、戲劇等探討中國人的文學世界。 Objectives Chinese literature was the base of our country"s traditional culture. We can understand the grace of China literature and promotes the ability of read and write through those production. We also wish all the students may appreciate the different between right and wrong from the Chinese literature, and establish the consummate personality.
教材 一、課程先由老師講解,並分析各主題之重點。
Teaching Materials 1.The teacher explains the course and analyzes key points of each subject.
2.Students are directed for further discussion and proceed with thinking and writing of a subject report.
3.Students are taught how to criticize and make general comments as well as to present reports and strengths and weaknesses of critics.
成績評量方式 一、期中、期末考,各佔百分之三十。
Grading 1.Mid-term and final exams account for 30% respectively.
2.Final report accounts for 30%.
3.Comment accounts for 10%.
教學內容 一、本課程之內容,主要分三主題,分別是電影〈臥虎藏龍〉、《史記》之〈刺客列傳〉,以及唐傳奇中之〈紅線〉與〈聶隱娘〉等。
Syllabus 1.Content of this course includes three subjects and they are the movie “Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon,”Biographies of Assassins” in the Historical Records (Shih Chi) and “Red Line” and “Nie Yin Niang” in Legends of Tang Dynasty.
2.Conflicts between ethics and emotions, sense and sensibility, crisis and turning points, goodness and evilness of human nature, etc. are discussed and analyzed. The way to wisdom and transcendence is explored through a study on dilemmas.
3.Students are directed to analyze, discuss and conduct in-depth reflection and criticism.