朝陽科技大學 091學年度第2學期教學大綱
Gender Relations 兩性關係

當期課號 9704 Course Number 9704
授課教師 李華璋 Instructor LEE,HUA CHANG
中文課名 兩性關係 Course Name Gender Relations
開課單位 生活與生涯類(進) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Topics in Career and Social Skills
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程在透過課程討論及活動,增進學生身為男性或女性的性別意識與性別敏感度. 並進而增加學生對愛情,兩性溝通,兩性平權的體認. Objectives This course is purpose on increasing the sense of gender. To make students more sensitive to the issues related to sex and gender, disscussion and exersices would be assign to the students.
教材 講課,分組報告提問,團體討論 Teaching Materials lecture, disscuss
成績評量方式 課堂參與(15%),答題(10%)。讀書心得報告(25%):
Grading interaction (15%), book reading and report(25%)
midterm report (25%)
terminal report (25%)
教學內容 本課程在透過課程討論及活動,增進學生身為男性或女性的性別意識與
性別敏感度. 並進而增加學生對愛情,兩性溝通,兩性平權的體認.
Syllabus This course is purpose on increasing the sense of gender. To make students more sensitive to the issues related to sex and
gender, disscussion and exersices would be assign to the students.