朝陽科技大學 091學年度第2學期教學大綱
Leisure Resourse Management 休閒資源管理

當期課號 6814 Course Number 6814
授課教師 賴文仁 Instructor LAI,WEN JEN
中文課名 休閒資源管理 Course Name Leisure Resourse Management
開課單位 休閒事業管理系(二進)四A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 探討休閒及觀光資源管理之概念及意義,並從資源分類之觀點說明分析資源管理之理念及策略,並論及台灣休閒資源管理之現況及趨勢。 Objectives In this course, Introduce the concept of a resource management and its function, We focus on the terinnlogy and definitions that underpin the study of resource menagement.
教材 1.採取分組研討、田野調查、模擬實境解說方式教學,並互相觀摩研究。2.儲備學生具有成為中高級管理幹部之潛能,除了重視實務訓練外,指導學生作書面報告、發表及接受質詢。 Teaching Materials There are all units lay out the understanding, knowledge and skills in detail and indicates what the student needs to produce in terms of evidence.
成績評量方式 分組研討20%,期中報告30%,口頭報告20%,期末報告30% Grading Team works 20%,mid-term 30%,Presentation 20%, Final report 30%
教學內容 經由個案分組研討、報告及實境模擬方式,使學生對遊憩管理有整體的觀念,學習相關知識及技巧,來獲得與實際工作有關的基本智能。並瞭解如何活用相關理論於模擬實境上,強化解決問題及靈活運用的能力。 Syllabus The course presents an integrated approach to studying recreation resources and activities those outdoor resources issues within natural resources context. It makes students to understand and acknowledge the close ties that link the administration and operation with vistors relationship service and applies it to leisure and recreation.