朝陽科技大學 091學年度第2學期教學大綱
Managemet accounting 管理會計

當期課號 6337 Course Number 6337
授課教師 林國全 Instructor LIN,KUOCHUAN GORDON
中文課名 管理會計 Course Name Managemet accounting
開課單位 企業管理系(二進)四B Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 管理會計之基本架構的認識及了解 Objectives Teaching students how cost accounting helps managers make better decisions by focusing on basic concepts, analyses, uses, and procedures instead of procedures.
教材 課堂教學 Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 平時參與及出席 20%
期中考 40%
期末考 40%
教學內容 使學習者瞭解如何使用會計資訊來管理組織,熟諳成本之累積、計算與分攤之技能,以增進預算編製、績效評估等管理(規劃、控制)知識及經營決策之能力。 Syllabus Managerial accounting provides key data to managers for planning and controlling, as well as for costing products, services, and customers. By studying both traditional and modern managerial accounting concepts and techniques, students are expected to understand and appreciate the role managerial accounting information plays in the managerial decision-making process.