朝陽科技大學 091學年度第2學期教學大綱
Macroeconomic Analysis 總體經濟分析

當期課號 6277 Course Number 6277
授課教師 黃寶慧 Instructor HUANG,PAO HUI
中文課名 總體經濟分析 Course Name Macroeconomic Analysis
開課單位 企業管理系(二進)三A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 以初級經濟學為基礎,對總體經濟理論與政策作進一步討論。課程講授兼理論與實際,在理論方面,從凱因斯理論到古典理論到新的古典學派理論,在實際方面,涵蓋經濟政策分析在台灣、國際及大陸的發展問題的應用。 Objectives Many students have only vague ideas about the field of macroeconomics...and sometimes incorrect ideas. If you have never studied macroeconomics before,you may have some misconceptions about what it is all about.This course dispeles of these misconceptions. Macroeconomic theory have influenced decisions about taxes,social security,unemployment in surance,business regulation,internation trade, and many other government programs and policies that affect our live in important ways. This course also provides an introduction to macroeconomic theory and how those principles are applied in the real world. I try to lead students, step-by-step, through each aspect of the theory, through each graph, and through each numerical example.
教材 課堂教學 Teaching Materials teach in the classroom
成績評量方式 作業佔0.4
Grading Homework 0.4
Midterm 0.3
Final exam 0.3
教學內容 許多學生對於總體經濟學僅有模糊不清的概念....而且有時候會有錯誤的認知.如果之前尚未研習過總體經濟學,可能會有一些錯誤的想法而無法了解真相.修習本課程可以幫助你釐清觀念.總體經濟理論影響政府從事租稅,社會安全,失業保險給付,商業法?及國際貿易的政策決定,而且政府的施政計畫與政策亦透過重要途徑直接影響到我們的生活所以此課程除了提供總體經濟理論的介紹外,亦將其應用於真實的情境中,企圖藉由理論的引導,圖形分析及眾多的實例,逐步的帶領學生一窺總體經濟學之堂奧. Syllabus Many students have only vague ideas about the field of macroeconomics...and sometimes incorrect ideas. If you have never studied macroeconomics before,you may have some misconceptions about what it is all about.This course dispeles
of these misconceptions. Macroeconomic theory have influenced decisions about taxes,social security,unemployment in surance,business regulation,internation trade, and many other government programs and policies that affect our live in important ways. This course also provides an introduction to macroeconomic theory and how those principles are applied in the real world. I try to lead students, step-by-step, through each aspect of the theory, through each graph, and through each numerical example.