朝陽科技大學 091學年度第2學期教學大綱
Contemporary Puppet Arts 現代偶劇創作與藝術統合

當期課號 5051 Course Number 5051
授課教師 卓淑敏 Instructor CHO,SHU MING
中文課名 現代偶劇創作與藝術統合 Course Name Contemporary Puppet Arts
開課單位 幼兒保育系(四春)四D Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程內容主要在認識世界各國的偶劇運用及歷史,如何創造劇藝術氣息的傳統與現代偶。此外幼兒偶劇的編劇與操作等實務應用。透過實際演出與教學演練,體驗及了解偶劇之精神;運用所學知識與技巧,設計適宜的幼兒欣賞的偶劇及運用於日後教學中。 Objectives This course provides students with opportunities to understand the history and development of puppet theatres all over the world and also to make l puppets combining modern and tradition elements. The purpose of this course is to explore puppet stagecraft theories and practices of puppet theatre and to apply them to current early childhood education. Also, to enhance students' abilities to design a creative puppet class or to make a puppet production for young children is one of the class purposes.
教材 課堂講授、示範教學、演出精華錄影帶賞析、實務製作與演練 Teaching Materials discussions puppet arts theory and obesrvations; demonstrations; watching videos and analyzing; practical production; basic performance training;
成績評量方式 課堂出席率與參與學習態度10%,小組呈現40%,期末呈現20%,書面報告30% Grading learing attitude 10%, groups prestation 40%, final production 20%; report 30%
教學內容 透過課程的引導,希望學生對於現代偶戲能有一完整的認識與了解﹔同時藉由實際的戲偶製作,不斷實驗、探索、開發各項媒材的可能性,啟發個人創意﹔進而參與小型演出製作,經由完整的經歷各項製作流程,將偶戲應用於工作、教學、與生活,達到『無物不成偶、處處是偶台』的境界。 Syllabus An introduction to the contemporary puppet arts; the anatomy of a puppet; exploring materials; making and manipulating puppets; production and presentation.