朝陽科技大學 091學年度第2學期教學大綱
Psychology 心理學

當期課號 3611 Course Number 3611
授課教師 翁樹澍 Instructor WONG,SHU SHU
中文課名 心理學 Course Name Psychology
開課單位 社會工作系(四進)一A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 1.明瞭心理學的原理、原則及其內涵。 2.懂得心理學的應用,增進自我了解,調適現代生活。 Objectives 1.To understand the theories and principles of psychology and it’s content. 2.To know how to apply psychological theories and principles to promote students’ self-understanding and their adjustments to modern life.
教材 理論講述、分組報告討論、錄影帶賞析 Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 (一) 平時成績 15% 。
(二) 隨堂考試 35% 七次平時測驗
(三) 課堂參與討論 20%
(四)期末考試 30% 題型:選擇題。
Grading usual test:35%
performance on class 35%
final exam.: 30%
教學內容 心理學探討包括:意識狀態、學習原理、記憶與遺忘、動機與情緒、心智能力及其鑑衡、身心發展、人格及其鑑衡、社會行為、心理異常及其成因、心理治療與身心健康等議題 Syllabus The course presents the development and research topics of mordern scientific psychology to students, and inspires them to search for the universal principle of human behavior and mental processing. The topics include sensation, perception, consciousness, learning, memory, language, thinking, intelligence, creativity, developmental psychology, social psychology, motivation and emotion, personality, abnormal psychology, psychotherapy and health psychology.