朝陽科技大學 091學年度第2學期教學大綱
Product Planning 產品企劃

當期課號 1238 Course Number 1238
授課教師 李朝金 Instructor LEE,CHAO CHIN
中文課名 產品企劃 Course Name Product Planning
開課單位 工業設計系(四日)三A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 一、使學生對一般產品企劃的整體作業流程及其各個階段之工作內容有所瞭解,以期將來面臨工業設計師工作崗位上之設計企劃任務時,能備有必要之基礎知識。二、使學生更具市場之敏感度,真正養成使用者導向之設計價值觀。以期能夠經常確保其所從事之設計正是使用者所需求之產品。三、在課程中養成同學自行完成一件產品企劃案之能力,以期在畢業專題設計之企劃上可有正確之著力點。 Objectives 1.Understanding procedures and contents in each step of a product planing project. 2.Enhancing marketing awareness amomg students, which in tern, will make them becoming more user oriented in their future designs.
3.Devicing students with the ability to program a product planing projet,expect to have the correct point of put forth effort on the planning of the graduation monograph design.
教材 1.以原理搭配實例解說之方式增進學生之理解。
Teaching Materials 1.Mixing theoretical interpretations with real examples to enhance student's understandings.
2.Incorporated with group practice to develop even further understandings.
成績評量方式 期中報告--30%
Grading Mid-term report--30%
Final report--30%
Classroom interactions: 40%
教學內容 一、使學生對一般產品企劃的整體作業流程及其各個階段之工作內容有所瞭解,以期將來面臨工業設計師工作崗位上之設計企劃任務時,能備有必要之基礎知識。
Syllabus 1.Understanding procedures and contents in each step of product planing projects.
2.Enhancing marketing awareness amomg students, which in tern, will make them more user oriented in their future designs.
3.Devicing students with the ability to perform the task of product planning independently.