朝陽科技大學 091學年度第2學期教學大綱
Readings in Taiwanese Literature 台灣文學賞析

當期課號 0327 Course Number 0327
授課教師 王惠鈴 Instructor ,
中文課名 台灣文學賞析 Course Name Readings in Taiwanese Literature
開課單位 文學欣賞類(日) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Special Topics in Literature
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 透過台灣文學,使學生瞭解台灣由日據到現代的文學發展並因此知道台灣的根基。 Objectives The target of the teaching of this semester manufactures the autobiography and resume, familiar with system of the briefing and ability of information read and read of the Taiwanese Literature with professor student.
教材 教授方式以練習寫作、設計與收集他人作品為主,口頭講授為輔。 Teaching Materials The way are mainly writing,designing ang collecting works.
成績評量方式 期中採筆試方式進行,佔30%。期末繳交整學期個人的作品集,佔40%。平時成績佔30%。 Grading A written examination occupies 30%.Personal works occupy 40%.Results in peacetime occupy 30%.
教學內容 本課程主要在提升學生的中文寫作與應用的能力,由老師針對日常生活、校園中、職場上、學術研究方面,挑選幾個較常使用的單元,利用上課時間講授並習作,所有習作將彙集成個人作品集,達到實用的成效。 Syllabus The course promotes students' chinese writing skills for the most part.The teacher chooses some units that are used in daily living,work space and scholarly research.Students do exercises in composition and collect everyone's works to publish.