朝陽科技大學 091學年度第2學期教學大綱
Introduction to Modern Literature 現代文學賞析

當期課號 0313 Course Number 0313
授課教師 林偉淑 Instructor LIN,WEI SHU
中文課名 現代文學賞析 Course Name Introduction to Modern Literature
開課單位 文學欣賞類(日) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Special Topics in Literature
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 1.學生能瞭解中國現代文學各時期發展之脈絡及其時代背景。2.學生能具體賞析現代文學主要文類:現代詩、散文及小說之特質及其精神內涵。3.學生能習作現代文學兩篇以上,並強化文學素養之涵育,思想之啟發,以薰陶其健全之人格。 Objectives In the seventies the most important literary movement in Taiwan was the debate of local-color literature. After two or three years' vigorous discussion, to emphasize the native, to employ the local speech, people and landscape as the subject of literary c
教材 (1)課堂講授,並印製講義 (2)輔以影片觀賞及討論作為補充教材(3)同學課堂上口頭報告及作書面報告 Teaching Materials lecture, handouts
dicourse on cinema
presentation & term paper
成績評量方式 期中考試30%、期末考試40%、課堂報告30% Grading mid-term examination 30%
final examination 40%
presentation 30%
教學內容 透過文學現象的介紹,並以作家為單元進行課程的安排,使同學們了解中國/台灣現代文學的概括面貌。並藉由小說作品、作家生平的追溯去了解藝術與人生的美感經驗。如以張愛玲、白先勇、李昂等作家作為專題。
Syllabus This is a course in modern literature, with the emphasis on literary phenomenon. The course will show how the literature presented is part of a broader society-wide set of ideas about different period of time. To illustrate this, we will be seeing some feature films, and we will be doing some general reading and seminar on selected topics of Taiwanese/Chinese literature. The course also gives a basic introduction to the history of modern literature, and it focuses on different subjects of the period to bring out some of the changes in literary phenomenon over the years.