朝陽科技大學 091學年度第1學期教學大綱
Special Topics in Spectroscopy of Organic Chemistry 有機光譜特論

當期課號 7217 Course Number 7217
授課教師 陳清玉 Instructor CHERN,CHING YUH
中文課名 有機光譜特論 Course Name Special Topics in Spectroscopy of Organic Chemistry
開課單位 應用化學系碩士班一A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 在有機化學的領域中,由於了解化合物的真正結構,才能使得今日在各方面的應用科學如此發達,例:藥物化學。所以,此門課的方向,便是教導學生如何利用現有的一些儀器所測得的圖譜,加以分析推測某化合物的真正結構。 Objectives The main purpose for this course is to teach the students how to identify organic compounds from the complementary information included mass, infrared, nuclear magnetic resonance, and ultraviolet.
教材 講義、網路授課 Teaching Materials Handout, interact through network.
成績評量方式 作業 10%
小考 50%
期末考 40%
Grading Homework 10%
Quiz 50%
Final examination 40%
教學內容 一般學習的有機合成沒有鑑定結構便不完整,有機光譜便是藉著紅外線光譜儀,紫外線光譜儀,質譜儀,核磁共振儀等來解答未知物的結構。 Syllabus Before attempting to deduce the structure of an unknown organic substance form an experimental, we can simplify the problem somewhat by examination the molecular of its spectra, foe example, Infrared, Ultravoliet, Mass, 'H Nuclear Magnetic spectroscopy.