朝陽科技大學 091學年度第1學期教學大綱
Calculus(I) 微積分(一)

當期課號 1910 Course Number 1910
授課教師 謝定國 Instructor HSIEH,DEAN KUO
中文課名 微積分(一) Course Name Calculus(I)
開課單位 應用化學系(四日)一A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程乃修習工程及應用科學之必備與先修課程,目在於讓學生清楚微積分重要觀念與應用。 Objectives This course includes all the standard topics. It also includes a number of unique features: (1) to make the "Calculus" easier for students to learn through the use of examples, exercises, and graphs of differentiation and integration; (2) to help students appreciate the beauty of the definition of calculus through examples in "Physical Chemistry’.
教材 每節課以課本內容5頁為教學進度,每週練習3~5個練習題;自第二週起開始小考。 Teaching Materials Home work every week containing 3~5 problems.
成績評量方式 每2週1次小考,1次期中考,1次期末考。
Grading Mid Exam (20%), Final Exam (20%), and Quiz every other week (60%).
教學內容 從 "實數", "函數" 的觀念出發, 學習 "微分", "積分", "向量" 的技巧, 以及在化學上的應用. Syllabus Beginning with "real numbers" and "function", we'll go through "differentiation", "integration", "vector", and the application of these methods in chemistry.